I am a data scientist / full stack engineer with 10+ years industry experience, I provide business insight along with technical solutions.
Here’s domains I had hand-in project experience:
* Recommender system (behavior / content based models)
* NLP (Entity Resolve, Sentiment Analysis, News Classifier)
* Deep learning on text data (TextCNN, RNN, Transformer, BERT)
* Ad performance model (CTR/CPA optimization, budget pacing algorithms)
* Ad bidding/auction system algorithm, and building offline simulation platform.
* Chat Bot (generative language models, seq2seq)
* General data science skills (ETL, build data infra and dashboard)
* General cloud skills (admin experience on AWS, GCP, Azure, Linode)
I love making new friends and sharing industry experiences, feel free to chat :)
Email: marsan@gmail.com
Website: http://marsan-ma.github.io
LinkedIn: https://github.com/Marsan-Ma